Friday, May 4, 2012

A Party

Well....better late than never!  Due to sickness and schedules, JD's birthday party was quite delayed but it finally happened!  When Mitchell was little we had friend birthday parties almost every year but as more children and more birthdays came along we decided to make a friend party something special, every five years....with the exception of the "big one" .... a 16th birthday!   Don't get me wrong, we love to have people over for dinner to celebrate birthdays as families but this is the official "do something special" friends birthday!  We loved it that JD chose a few of his big, big brother's friends along with his own little friends.  We send KUDDO's to the big boys and their interest and kindness to a little guy like JD... how we love Mitchell's buds! It was a fun afternoon of bowling, football cupcakes and laughs!  JD was keenly more interested in the arcade at the bowling alley than the actual bowling, but great fun was still had by all!


  1. brothers used to invite some "big boys" to their parties when they were little too! So fun...happy birthday to an awesomely cute boy!

  2. Great pictures.. I still amazes me how big they are getting.
    Love you all
    Grandma Honey

  3. Hi Annie....I love it...I will pass your birthday wishes to the little guy!

    We love you too GMA Honey!

  4. He is the coolest little dude on the planet!! <3 him!!
